A Journey of Wisdom and Discovery

our Story

Journeying Towards Inner Harmony

We Believe in Wisdom-Guided Living and Purposeful Journeys Our journey is about finding profound inner peace through wisdom. We’ve embraced unique childbirth experiences while exploring India, valuing purposeful travel. Our children’s education is enriched through unconventional paths. We connect individuals with influential mentors.We support holistic education, including health and personal development.


I lead a life guided by the wisdom of various healers and spiritual teachings, which has brought me profound inner peace.

My partner and I embarked on a transformative journey, welcoming three children with the assistance of midwifery while exploring the diverse landscapes of India for the unique experience of destination childbirth. This adventure has underscored the value of purposeful travel in our lives.

Recognizing the incredible educational opportunities our children gain from these experiences, we made a conscious choice to nurture their growth and our own potential through this unconventional path.

I facilitate connections between individuals and the mentors who have played a pivotal role in our journey.

This website has already proven instrumental in assisting individuals, families, and institutions in adopting improved ethical practices and Enhancing their overall experience with the guidance of healers available to connect with you personally. We make it easy for us all.

We are also able to support families who have realised that not only sending kids to academic schooling is waste but it also destroys their learning potential. We have discovered the tremendous benefits of living through intuition and faith.

The change needed is holistic and healers connect aims to reduce the efforts and help in fostering a comprehensive approach to evolving in terms of health, environment and community living.

As we witness a growing awareness of these vital issues, we are committed to working towards a more just and equitable world order, as advocated by luminaries such as Dr. Amit Goswami who is a quantum physicist, consciousness researcher, and a quantum activist.

The underlying concept behind living through faith and intuition is that by aligning one’s thoughts, emotions, and intentions with the absolute, it can have a profound impact on the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person’s well-being. It is believed that faith can activate the body’s natural healing mechanisms and create an optimal environment for healing to occur and create an opening of the Heart and intuition with it.

Real Story

Here is the real story of people who have helped us to actualise our potential.

Amit Goswami

Transformation of reality through understanding of Quantum wellbeing aka quantum activism through ancient scriptures.

Dr Thomas Paul D'Souza

Classical homeopath helped us in identifying stuck patterns and understand the real definition of flow and health. Taught us the reality of vaccinations and blessed us with the lessons of fever management and COVID protocols to save lives.

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Nutan lakhanpal pandit

she is a birth educator since 1978 , when our son Kabir was not positioned well just before birth, she appeared like an angel and healed our fears of hospital births.

Darryl D'Souza

Introduced us to alternative lifestyle systems of food forests, merkabah breath,tai chi, sun yoga, his book “become healthy or extinct” is a guide to adopt changes with clarity, made us stronger with the right knowledge and guidance.

Paula horan

She is the most experienced person that I have met in the field of healing, founder of Reiki in India, a pranic healer and she taught us how unresolved emotions are causing issues and How EFT works to heal the past.

Saify saraiya

Author of zero medicine wisdom and founder of ZVM, Zero Violation of the Mind. He reassured us that the path we’re on is also the right path in his belief.

We are learning new insights about healing and absolute wellbeing through his continuous presence.

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Dr. Susan Raj

When we were worried about our loved ones who accidentally intoxicated themselves through false medical procedures, she appeared as a ray of light. Her detox protocols are so holistic that it will change your life fundamentally and the way you perceive reality.

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Dr. Aparna Palyekar

Dr. Aparna S Porob Palyekar, the driving force behind NIRAMAYA HEALINGS, stands as a luminary in the realm of holistic healing. With an extensive and diverse background, she offers a comprehensive array of healing modalities that span the spectrum of holistic wellness.

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Our Experiences with the Absolute, written by Saman Quraishi

Our first birth experience written by my wife saman Quraishi

Who needs a Destination Wedding? I got my Destination Birth!
(Saman had the birth of her dreams, even though an intervention was required.) In her own words…
“I remember when I was a little kid and anyone would ask me what I wanted to become when I grow old, my answer almost inadvertently would be – a mother.

Letter to my daughter about her father

The first word you spoke was papa. And I’ll tell you today why.

Ever since you came into our lives, and I mean even before you were born – the day we found out we were expecting, our lives changed completely. You were the clarity to our confusion, the calm to our chaotic lives, a sense of direction and purpose. A dream in becoming. A hope fulfilling. A void finally filling.

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Karan Luthra

Karan Luthra

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Karan Luthra
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